While billion dollar deals in tech world and specially for the consumer internet firms are relatively rare but there have been many which got declined as well. I have pulled all the declined offers offered by Tech-Giants to consumer internet firms in a short blog post.
- Facebook (Offered by Yahoo) – Facebook the largest social network on world wide web was offered $1 billion in 2006 by Yahoo which got declined. Facebook is currently valued $120 billion.
- Facebook (Offered by Viacom) – Again in 2007, Facebook was offered $2 billion by Viacom and as earlier happened the deal got turned down by Mark Zuckerberg [Founder Facebook]
- Facebook (Offered by Google) – In 2008, Google tried to acquire Facebook in $15 billion.
- SnapChat (Offered by Facebook) – The internet industry was in a abuzz with the rumor that Snapchat, the hot app that allows anyone to take pictures and videos that expire after a limited amount of time, rebuffed a $3 billion offer from Facebook to buy the company. Presently Snapchat is said to have current valuation of $4 billion.
- Twitter (Offered by Google) – In 2010, Google tried to acquire the best micro-blogging or social networking site twitter in $8 billion. Presently, Twitter is values at $24 billion.
- Twitter (Offered by Facebook) – Again in 2011, Mark Zuckerberg tried to acquire twitter but failed in doing so. The offer was of whopping $11 billion
- Yahoo (Offered by Microsoft) – In 2008, Microsoft offered $44 billion to acquire Yahoo. This was the biggest offered turn down by an internet based company till the date. Unfortunately Yahoo is presently valued $36 billion.