Instagram As A Social Media Marketing Tool

We have many companies who are optimizing their social media presence through the SMM giants namely Facebook and Twitter through engaging content in order to increase their brand awareness,  reach out to their targeted users and serve as a platform where they can inform anything related to the company,their services and the products.

While the companies are making the best use of these SMM tools and its new features which includes the live video streaming where you can get connected to the followers instantly within a fraction of seconds with a short video to convey something informative and learn able about the brand without much preparations needed at the back end.  Instagram was a brand back then which we all knew that it was an upcoming one that had a lot more to do with images/Videos than compared to text messages. After Facebook acquired Instagram in 2012, this social media marketing platform is making rounds for all the good reasons. Today we have more than  700  plus million Instagram users all across the globe.

Most of us think that Instagram has much to do with images/videos, it may not be that useful when compared to Facebook and Twitter. So here we are to make you realize that what you are missing out and how amazingly you can use Instagram marketing to make your company profile effective.

Tips to make your Instagram profile effective

It’s all about Photos

Give the best shots of your brand as Instagram is all about conveying your brand message with some really nice photos at the end of the day. Make your profile pic attractive and catchy keeping in mind the company theme. Remember that Instagram supports only images that are square size. Most of the digital cameras and various apps in smartphones have this option where you can click the photos in the ideal square size without the need to crop them out or reduce the size compromising on the image quality. You can also get various applications only to shoot Instagram photos. Try out those as you can get some amazing quality pics without much efforts needed.

Track Traffic now even via Instagram

We all know that your Google analytic lets you know the sources of traffic towards your website. But this tool, in particular, fails to tell about the exact traffic that comes to your site via the mobile Instagram app. This is because Instagram wants the users to be retained within the app without any deviation towards other sites. We have some good tips for you here.

  • You can setup a Google Campaign URL for your Instagram profile to track the traffic.
  • You have various other analytic tools to know the conversion that happened via Instagram account through the major analytical tools like Simply Measured, InstaFollow, Union Metrics,  Crowdfire, and Iconosquare.

Promote yourself by Tagging

Instagram surely does not allow to add links but all that you can do is promote your brand via tagging the name to related profiles images that you somehow feel they are connected. By tagging your brand like this, people will get to know about your brand via the other pages and will start following you if your product seems to be an interesting and beneficial one. By this, you can reach out to more people and get more traffic towards your brand.

For example, if your brand is about food products, you can surely tag your brand on some of the profiles images that are connected to a niche category (Food).

Consider an effective Marketing strategy for the Bio Link:

Instagram allows only to post a link to your Bio along with a short description about the company. So make sure to use this opportunity and have an exclusive landing page that can connect the Instagram users to your company. Design the landing page in a way that it can connect the people instantly and drive traffic to your website. In this way you can improve your Instagram marketing.

Make use of the Hashtag concepts

With less content to be posted on Instagram, many users use hashtag along with the topic to highlight the message that they want to convey. By searching the # along with the topic name, you will be able to find all the related posts on that particular topic. See if your brand has such keywords which are already in use by the hashtag. If they are existing, you can use the one that is there in order for your post to rank on top when it comes to the Instagram daily updates on any individual profile page.

A right mix of Photos and Videos

Make sure to have a combination of photos and videos with shorter messages to always get your brand out there. Videos are more effective than text messages and even photos at times. So get a nice video done for your brand and bring them all on Instagram. Since many profiles go only with images, you can stand out with some nice featured videos.

It’s all about awareness and conversion at the end

Once you know that many people over Instagram are following your brand or have been visiting your landing page, make efforts to reach out to those by emails and try to generate quality leads which will help your business grow with good amount of conversions at a result.

With these tips, we are sure that you can manage your Instagram account in an effective way and improve the social media marketing activities to have a better reach !

Seershika Shinde:
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