Leader | Role Model | King
“I am the leader of my industry who drives to create new milestones. I am a watchdog and an immaculate bloodhound setting and maintaining standards and I am the Ruler.”
“You have your mother’s eyes Harry,” says Severus Snape while taking his last breath. The Ruler is the leader of an Industry. They take excessive pride in creating high standards and keep a close eye on the rules being followed as they are the forming members. They are highly skilled and audacious in their approach and constantly create new benchmarks to hold onto their titles.

Fascinating as it sounds, many brands all over the world follow this archetype and represent themselves to be the Ruler in whatever they do. The core characteristics of The Ruler resemble their products’ aesthetics. They do their marketing and advertising accordingly.
Brands who follow this archetype always look for creating something original. With their wit and experience, they constantly evolve in their dynamic and set new standards for others to follow.
I follow it religiously!
Let’s take the example of the brand Rolex. It is a player that dominates the watch industry. The watches the company creates is a testimony of sheer craftsmanship and every piece sets the benchmark high for others to follow. It empowers people by gifting them a sense of ownership when they wear the brand on their wrists.
Let’s have a look at the various attributes of the ruler:

Brands that fall under this archetype are:
- Rolex
- Apple
- Porche
- John Lewis